전주국제그림책 도서전


  • JIPF
  • About JIPF

About JIPF

Poster image
  • Date
    May 12 (Fri) – JUNE 4 (Sun), 2023
  • Place
    Factory of Contemporary Arts in Palbok, Jeonju Municipal Library, Local Bookstore
  • Host
    Jeonju City
  • Sponsor
    Publication Industry Promotion Agency of Korea
  • Partner
    Korean Picturebook Association, KPP association, Embassy of FRANCE in The Republic of KOREA, Jeonju Cultural Foundation
  • Program

    Exhibition : An exhibition of original paintings by picture book writers at home and abroad, The Start-Artist Exhibition, Jeonju’s Perspective Picture Book Exhibition

    Lecture : Meeting with domestic and foreign picture book writers, Jeonju’s Perspective Picture Book Concert

    Performance : One-person theater performance by a picture book writer

    Experience : A program utilizing the picture books of the writer who gave the lecture

    Book market : Sales of picture books and related goods

  • Purpose

    To realize
    「 ‘Jeonju, the City of Books’,
    where reading becomes a part of your life」

    by spreading the culture of reading and holding book festivals

  • Background

    Preemption of contents following the global spread of K-Books: Increase in international award wins and translated publications for picture books

    Expanded readership of picture books: Spreading the culture of picture books for adults

    Paying attention to the expandability of picture books that straddle the borders between images and texts, and between play and art

  • Objectives

    Illuminating the value of domestic and foreign picture book writers and their works

    Discovery of domestic picture book writers and a revitalization of the picture book market

    Providing a venue for communication and exchange between picture book writers and readers

    Discovery of new reading culture contents that combine picture books, culture, and art

    Expanding the base of regional picture book culture and fostering the industry

  • Direction

    Planning with related institutions and organizations like the Publication Industry Promotion Agency of Korea, KBBY, and the Picture Book Association, as well as with the picture book ecosystem, including writers, publishers, local bookstores, and readers

    Expanding the reading culture in daily life and encouraging the use of libraries by carrying out programs linked to picture book writers at individual libraries

    Operating various citizen participation programs to discover the new value of picture books